full members
Full Membership is available to any corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship, whose primary business is the commercialization and manufacture (including the intent to commercialize and manufacture) of precision fermentation substances and ingredients that are required to be included on the label of a consumer food product (i.e., excluding incidental additives such as processing aids). Representatives of Full Members are eligible for election to the Executive Board, for participation on Committees, and to serve as Chairs of Committees subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
contributing members
Contributing Membership is available to any corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship whose primary business is the provision of technical services to support the manufacture of precision fermentation ingredients for use in food. Representatives of Contributing Members are eligible to participate in Committees and to serve as Chairs of Committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
associate members
Associate Membership is available to any corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that engages in (1) research, advocacy, laboratory services, and/or other consultative services supporting the use of precision fermentation ingredients in food, or (2) the sale of consumer food products containing or consisting of precision fermentation ingredients. Representatives of Associate Members are eligible for participation in general meetings and PFA forums.